August 21, 2008

No subject.....

I forgot [:-O] my mobile at home yesterday!! Got through the day somehow. Don't you think we are relying too much on gadgets and software? Well then, with a show of hands, how many of us can't do without spellcheck these days for 100% accuracy? Why then did we spend so much time on English language at school? But then, I guess, someone has to write and verify the rules in MS Word. Thank God, its not me.
[Note to self: memorize 5 friends' ph numbers. And maintain a friggin' telephone diary. But what if I lost that as well???]

Sent from my iPhone


Vineet said...

Good one about the spell check. I remember I used to take pride in being good at spellings in school - now, I don't even try to make an effort to spell right..I just type away and let Word or the Browser just highlight what I spelled wrong!



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