August 30, 2008

Movie review: Rock on rocks!!

Watch it!! I loved it. Best watched on the large screen. If you
haven't fallen in love with the songs yet, you will now. The live
performances shown are mind-blowing. Will post review soon. Without

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August 26, 2008

Bundled up: updates, thoughts, reviews

Been some time since I posted. Got a bit too involved with the layout thing. Its fun when you get down to it, you know. Anyway, so am going to like list down whatever I had wanted to post here since a week, briefly.
  • Updates: Zee Cafe has started to air Sex and the city right from the first season. Yea!! I know, I know, its much easier to watch all the seasons on DVD now that it is available with almost every other DVD rental place. But I dunno, I prefer it this way. Catch it every Monday at 9. They all look so young in the first season!! :) Btw, how cool is the music of Rock On?? I love it and listen to it like everyday. Admire Farhan and think Shankar, Ehsaan, Loy are gorgeous to create such music. Waiting for the movie. Eagerly. The song Pichle saat dino mein is picturized amazingly. Go watch...
  • Thoughts: Every city has its own distinct culture and hence, driving patterns. In Bangalore, you will mostly adhere to the white line rule at the signals while you will also sometimes drive on the sidewalk. In Pune, you will drive like you are fighting for survival. In Mumbai, as there is a premium of space, you will drive a few inches away from the next vehicle without flinching. Found something new today: There is a huge puddle of water in the middle of a highway. What do you do? In Bangalore, you will treat it as part of a road and not alter your speed. In Pune, you will accelerate so that you can try to displace as much water as you can and see if you can drench the pretty girl walking on the sidewalk. In Mumbai, however, you will slowdown as soon as you see the puddle. God knows what is under the water - an open drain, a humongous pothole, a burst drain pipe - you will slow down. Even if it is a highway. And you are at 70kmph. Even if you know this will spawn a traffic jam (oh sorry, in Mumbai we have either slow moving traffic or gridlocks, no jams). Even if you know that there is nothing wrong with the part of the road submerged under water coz you drive by here everyday. Even if the car behind you protests with persistent honking. Even if that said car contains me.
  • Reviews: Watched Bachna ae haseeno more than a week ago. The reason that I didn't even feel like posting a review was coz the movie was so damned dull. The story-line was like some 90's reject script, without the fizz or great music. The lyrics range from a really good Khuda jaane to the equally bad 'Small town girl'. The chemistry between the couples is at the best tepid. The locations are good and the acting is mediocre - coz the script doesn't demand much. The only good thing in this movie is Deepika Padukone. She shines in a very small role. The people at Yash Raj should really start thinking why their movies are not doing great at the box-office. Their tried and tested Switzerland formula is no longer a crowd-puller. If only the powers-to-be had invested as much time in the script than relying too much on the gimmicks (like trying to recreate Rishi Kapoor - Paintal magic via their sons and the original Rishi Kapoor song now shot for his son - btw, the choreography of this song sucked. Poor Ranbir, he is a pretty good dancer). Oh, and they don't get their facts right as well.. you know the stuff that make the movie believable? Get this: Microsoft has a development office in Mumbai, and they send you to Syndey as well. A girl who is studying to be a doctor in Australia has time to attend college, study, and take on two part time jobs. God knows, when she sleeps. Well, whaddya know, I did review this movie ;)

Ok, thats it for now. Out.

August 24, 2008

What do you think?

Hey you guys.. Worked on this theme quite a bit. Blogger themes are pretty hard to find.. I mean good ones, if you want to get something else than just color-y backgrounds. Wordpress themes, amazing themes all over the web!! This was like a whole week's worth of effort. Yup.. I am getting pretty old.

So, anyway, what do you think of this new look?? Please let me know if it appears screwed up in your browser or if some link etc doesn't work. Suggestions, opinions welcome.

August 21, 2008

No subject.....

I forgot [:-O] my mobile at home yesterday!! Got through the day somehow. Don't you think we are relying too much on gadgets and software? Well then, with a show of hands, how many of us can't do without spellcheck these days for 100% accuracy? Why then did we spend so much time on English language at school? But then, I guess, someone has to write and verify the rules in MS Word. Thank God, its not me.
[Note to self: memorize 5 friends' ph numbers. And maintain a friggin' telephone diary. But what if I lost that as well???]

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August 14, 2008

Tag: Wishlist

Kiran inspired me to do a Wishlist tag of my own. And, boy, did I have fun with it. It took me 3 whole days to research and find the pics of the exact dresses etc I wanted. Mind you, this is a shopping wishlist.. Sigh.. One can be crossed out - the iphone. But the others..... What is on your wishlist?

To elaborate... I am going through a I-love-mary-janes phase, hence that particular Manolo and Christian Louboutin. The Naeem Khan, come on, admit it, you love it too. A tad impractical for the daily wear, I know. Wouldn't a shorter version look amazing? The color and material and detail are so Indian-ish. The CK sheath is my version of the perfect LBD that comes very handy when you are on the all-day and all-night excursions. The Bottega Veneta Classic is, well, a classic. And so simple and uncomplicated and sophisticated that.. sigh.... I love Mango. Period. Their tops, jeans and formal wear as well as so, well, somewhat boho and kitsch.. And very very wearable. The iPhone, I have, yea!! Thanks again to my hubby who nudged into buying something on my wishlist ;)

August 12, 2008

A story...

Jana gana mana
Adhinayak jaya hay

The little girl jolted. She had, yet again, sleepwalked through the
bus ride to school, through the assembly bell, through the stupid mass
PT exercises, till the national anthem. This always woke her up. It
sounded more beautiful whenever this happened-which was often. It
always gave her goosebumps. It brought to mind the stories of the
martyrs that she read in her history books. (She was a serious girl.)
She thought that if they could give their lives so that our country
would benefit, she could also sacrifice some things every day that
would help her country. (Told you she was a serious kid.)

Years passed by. The girl grew up. Now, the only time she hears and
sings the national anthem is when she watches a movie in the
multiplex. It still gives her goosebumps. She still thinks of the
martyrs, the freedom fighters. And then she thinks of what is ails her
country. And how she has done precious little to alleviate the social
wrongs she witnesses everyday. And she wonders, shamefacedly, if
there is a way where she could bring glory to her country like Abhinay
Bindra. She remembers the idealism and optimism that was her
childhood. And wonders if maturity and growing-up robbed her of it.
And how it no longer feels like an epiphany to realise this. And she
sighs, shrugs and turns her attention to the movie. And the guilt

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August 4, 2008

My best drive ever. Which is yours?

Pune-Mumbai via Expressway. 100kmph on an almost deserted expressway, surrounded by greenery, green rolling hills and an occasional drizzle. Listening to favorite songs. Hands down my best drive/ride ever. Which is yours?

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August 2, 2008

What do you think?

Why do we try to pull down people who we perceive are successful? What
logic in our sub-concious prompts us to try and either denigrate their
success or to try to get a piece of their profit as if they owe us
that? So you have a Bush telling the world that India and China are
causing the food shortage. And how India is stealing jobs. Closer to
home, you have the MSEB proclaiming that the software industry is
sucking so much energy that Maharashtra is facing an energy crisis and
directing the software industry to cut their power consumption by 20%
Ever faced a guy making sarcastic remarks about your new phone that
the loser secretly covets? Thinking about it, I realise that I am
guilty of doing it at some point or the other - subconciously or
otherwise. And I don't know how I can not regret it when I think about
it know. I don't. Comeuppance. Putting someone down. Revenge. Or
showing someone their place. Call it what you will, we have all done
it at some point in our life. What have you done. And how would you
justfy it?

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