January 2, 2008

Help - Domestic and Psychological, both

Its funny how some things just sneak in and become habits right? Or should I say they become a necessity that you can't do without. Case in point, your mobile phone. I mean, till about what, 5-6 years ago, we managed to do without them just fine. Now, the day you forget your mobile at home or lose it, it seems the whole day is ruined. Its an indispensable commodity that you don't remember when you got habituated to and now you can't imagine how you did without it. I recently discovered another habit/necessity that I have come to rely upon. A maid.

Except the last few years, have been relying on a washing machine to do my laundry and when I lived as a paying guest we used to take turns at the chores like scrubbing dishes, mopping the floor and dusting. And in the space of just a year, I find a maid essential!! I mean, I don't know when that happened and how. Now that we are moving to Mumbai, it dawned on me that I will have to find a maid anew!! I have a great maid here who is, well, great and now I have to ditch her and find a new one, hopefully as good.
I realised that it is a big deal for me now on an promisingly perfect day (read great weather for the relaxing day you had planned). You take the first heavenly sip of coffee and in comes a messenger to say that my maid won't be able to make it and has no replacement to offer. Other than planning ways to torture her the next day, it seems like a ruined day.
Am still mad at myself for letting this become such an issue!! I mean, I always termed all those who talked about their maid crisis, over the hill. Does that make me one now? Or is this the uncomfortable, uncanny feeling from walking that maid-less road in someone else's shoes???



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